First Name
Last Name
Please tell us why you would like to adopt a rabbit?
Have you ever owned a Holland Lop or a rabbit before?
If you have owned a rabbit, what was your experance with it?
Who will be taking care of the rabbit?
Is everyone in the house in agreement about adopting a new rabbit?
Are you interested in a doe or a buck?
Are you interested in an adult rabbit or a bunny?
Where will you keep your new rabbit?
Do you have all supplies for your new rabbit...pellets, hay, water bottle or bowl, hay rack, toys, cage or hutch, grooming kit, exerise pen... etc?
Where will you get your rabbit food...hay, pellets...etc?
Rabbits can live up to 10 years, are you prepared to love, care for and keep it for the duration of its life?
What veterinarian will you use for your new rabbit? Is this a vet you are already using or will this be your first visit?
Do you have children? If so, how old are they?
Do you have any other pets? If so, what kind? Where are they kept?
Do you plan to breed your rabbit? If so, have you ever bred rabbits before?
If you are interested in breeding you new rabbit, please tell us why.
Do you agree to return the rabbit/bunny to Rusty Bell Farm & Garden if you can no longer take care of it for any reason?
How did you hear about Rusty Bell Farm & Garden or The Blue Eyed Bunny?